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We Urgently Need Your Help!

The last few months have been so hectic. The phone has not stopped ringing. It seems that we are the port of call for those that, for any number of reasons want to get rid of their dingo. We’ve heard it all… In the end, it’s the precious life that is at stake.
However, the urgency, and why I am writing to you now is that we have the opportunity to help save lives. We’ve just received notification that there are over 100 dingoes in one State alone that are desperately looking for a forever home and they have nowhere to go.
As you can imagine, the vet costs, food and ongoing care costs means we can’t act to save their lives until we have the funds. Unfortunately this 'call-out' is additional to Jirrahlingas' usual running costs, this is an emergency; please help us save these lives

"It would be truly amazing to save these lives."

- Tehree, Founder

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Created for Jirrahlinga 2024 - Using Wix

Contact the office during business hours on 0493 387 144

Bookings email:


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